Sale today to aid earthquake victims

Published 12:18 am Saturday, April 21, 2012

NATCHEZ — A native Filipino woman will have a garage sale today to help raise money toward recovery efforts following a 6.9-magnitude earthquake that killed 13 in February.

Sharlene Baragona has lived in Natchez for 16 years and was devastated when the earthquake rattled her hometown of Tayasan.

“The epicenter of the earthquake was actually in my hometown, so it was very bad there,” Baragona said. “I didn’t know what to expect.”

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Baragona traveled to the Philippines on March 5 to visit her family and help in any way she could.

Baragona hosted post-traumatic stress classes near her hometown, but spent most of the time with her father.

After returning to Natchez on March 21, Baragona said she couldn’t help but continue raising awareness in the U.S.

“They really need help because it’s so bad there,” Baragona said.

In hopes of raising money to send back to her family, Baragona is hosting her first garage sale at 113 Rollingwood Drive.

A local Boy Scout troop donated several tents, and the Knights of Columbus are donating the money to ship the tents to the Philippines.

Baragona said she hopes to see a large crowd on Saturday morning for her first garage sale.

“I’ve seen people raise money through garage sales before, so I thought I would try,” Baragona said.

Donations can also be made to the Church of Christ on Covington Road in lieu of Philippine earthquake funds.