Adopt-A-Brick for a loved one, veteran

Published 12:06 am Sunday, May 26, 2013

In 1997, the Natchez Vietnam Veterans Support Group, in conjunction with the City of Natchez, sponsored a program called “Adopt-A-Brick.” The program was created to fund the building of the Veterans Memorial, a structure that today embodies the heart and soul of Memorial Park.

Last August, during a Natchez Board of Aldermen meeting, it was noted that the Memorial had fallen into some disrepair.  A few weeks later, the city dutifully refurbished the Memorial that was designed to honor the memory and the continued service of all our war heroes.

In working for the city for the first time, I am continuously marveled at the breadth and the scope of what it means to run a city; where often times what is urgent takes time away from what is important.

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Among the list of things that are important, however, is making sure that the place selected to preserve and evoke meaningful and heartfelt memories for us, the living, remains an aesthetically compelling environs for them, the departed.

To this end, Mayor Brown has asked me to revive the “Adopt-A-Brick” program.  This time the money raised will be used to partially fund a major overhaul of the park.

Envisioned repairs include the pathways leading in from Main and South Rankin streets, and the areas surrounding the fountain and the Confederate monument. The bricks purchased through the revived program will join the bricks currently lining the Veteran’s Memorial.

As was the case in 1997, a one-time fee will buy a brick inscribed with the name of a loved one (veteran or non-veteran), a friend, a business, a group, an organization, or yourself.  The engraved bricks already placed there will not be disturbed.  The project will begin later this summer and will last a few months. If you are interested in adopting a brick to help fund the park’s overhaul please e-mail for details.

On this Memorial Day weekend, please take the time to reflect on the courage, duty to country and selflessness of our troops, past and present, and do your part in keeping all of Memorial Park a place of simple beauty and warm remembrance of our heroes.


Analisa Therrien works for the Natchez Department of Planning and Community Development.