LaMiss Tennis Association: Coaches get coached

Published 12:01 am Friday, July 26, 2013

VIDALIA — Sometimes, even the instructors need to be instructed.

And that’s why the LaMiss Tennis Association will be hosting an instructors’ workshop Aug. 4 before a group of adults turn around and teach the sport to local children.

The United State Tennis Association’s South Louisiana chapter will send tennis pro Bill Phillips to the Concordia Recreation District 3 complex Aug. 4 to teach a group of local adults how to give tennis lessons. From Aug. 5-8, the adults will teach children at the complex from 6 to 7 p.m.

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Nancy McLemore, president of the association’s board of directors, said she’s excited to have Phillips back in town. Phillips has assisted the association several times before.

“He’s so accommodating and hospitable,” she said. “He helped us set up our community tennis association and register with the USTA. He’s extremely interested in getting young people to play, because in 10 to 15 years, they’ll be adults who will teach their children to play.”

Most of the soon-to-be instructors are on the association’s board, and McLemore said she’s trying to get area physical education teachers involved.

“I want them to introduce tennis into the PE curriculum,” McLemore said. “If they want to, they can help with the lessons, but it’s not mandatory.”

The children’s clinics cost $15 per child, and if a sibling joins, it’s $10 per sibling. McLemore said the instructors will be well-versed on how and what to teach the children about the sport.

“The younger kids need to be able to start off with fundamentals on how to hold the racquet, hand-eye coordination, moving their feet and body and teaching them the different forms in tennis,” McLemore said.

McLemore also said she hopes local youth will come take advantage of the new tennis courts at the recreation complex.

“You have these beautiful new tennis courts in your community available for you to play on during the day and in the evening,” McLemore said. “We want you to be able to come out and have fun learning how to play.”

And the longevity of tennis is one of the sport’s most attractive reasons to learn how to play.

“Just because you graduate from high school, that doesn’t mean you have to stop playing this sport,” McLemore said.

For more information, or to register, call McLemore at 318-336-5608.