Area needs Baptist convention center

Published 12:02 am Friday, September 13, 2013

Greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ, which is above every name [Phil:2:9b KSV].

I am so delighted and thankful to God Almighty for this privilege and opportunity to put forth this communication to the Baptist churches of Adams County on behalf of the Antioch Missionary Baptist Association (AMB).

Thanks to The Natchez Democrat publisher, Kevin Cooper, and staff.

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This article is hopefully designed to arouse, awaken and adjure black Baptist church folk of the need for unity and togetherness through the working of the Holy Spirit of God for a common cause.

This county needs a black Baptist convention center for us to call our own.

Our moderator, Rev. Dr. John Scott Jr., and his cabinet have done an outstanding job in leadership and sharing the vision of taking this association to the next level; Prov:29:18b [KJV] declares where there is no vision the people perish; Amen. It has been shown we need a place for religious retreat, resort and refreshing activities.

Remember if our forefathers could come together from the plantations, cotton fields and secondary citizenship to do great things, such as the building of Natchez College and other monumental structures, surely with all the resources and opportunities available to us now; we can do great things for God Almighty. Amen.

Let us have panoramic vision and not tunnel vision. If other counties across the state of Mississippi can achieve this, we can too.

Now Nehemiah 4:6c [KJV] declares concerning the people of Israel upon rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem; the people had a mind to work!

Let us gird up our loins, do the right thing and look to God for our success

We must stop nickpicking, bickering, politicking and undercover kicking and get with the play saying — yes, we can.

Remember Romans 8:31b [KJV] declares; if God be for us, who can be against us. Let us do 10 percent and God 90 percent in His own way.

Finally, our association moderator, Rev. Dr. Scott Jr., often says: there is too much against already for us to be against ourselves.

Yes, we are sitting on the premises, standing on the promises, and shouting His praises… “Hallelujah”!


Clifton E. Marvel Sr. is pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church.