Miss-Lou packs weekend full of fun events

Published 12:05 am Friday, November 8, 2013

If you cannot find something that interests you this weekend, you might want to go to the emergency room and have them check your pulse.

Among the long list of to-dos this weekend includes a revived Veterans Day parade, which will march through the streets of downtown beginning at 6 p.m. Saturday, honoring the men and women who served in our country’s military.

Honor of a different kind is also on tap again today and Saturday at the Natchez City Cemetery. The annual Angels on the Bluff event has become so popular, it’s almost always a complete sellout and this year is no exception. The fundraiser for the public cemetery — truly one of Natchez’s historic jewels — is a success because it combines our city’s history, its beauty and its creative people to honor the past.

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The Rotary Club’s Broadway Bash Chili Cook-off will warm stomachs and raise money to help the club’s charitable causes.

For the 36th year, the Pilgrimage Garden Club will host the Natchez Antiques Forum this weekend. The annual event is known throughout the South for attracting exceptional talent.

Historic Jefferson College plays host to the annual Civil War era reenactment of Wirt Adams’ raid. Cannons and rifles will roar through the air, delighting young and old alike.

If that sounds like a lot, we’ve only scratched the surface of the things to do in the area this weekend. But let’s remember an important fact — such events don’t happen without lots of volunteer labor working behind the scenes, so let’s give all the volunteers our “thanks” for filling our weekend with so many great things to do.