City naming new CVB director; Virginia man slated to take over position

Published 12:12 am Tuesday, September 9, 2014

NATCHEZThe former director of tourism for Petersburg, Va., is expected to be announced today as the new director of the Natchez Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Kevin Kirby, who served as the cultural affairs manager and director of tourism, museums and visitor services for the City of Petersburg for 10 years, was selected by a search committee to be the new tourism director.



Sources close to the search say Kirby has accepted the offer and a formal announcement will be made today at the Natchez Board of Aldermen meeting.

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Ward 3 Alderwoman Sarah Carter Smith, who is a tourism liaison between the CVB and the board, said she was impressed with what Kirby brought to the table during the search.

“I think he’ll be able to move us in a positive direction and take us even further than where we’re at now with tourism,” Smith said. “There’s so much opportunity here to grow tourism, and I think he sees that and is up to the challenge.”

In Petersburg, Kirby worked to launch exhibits, themed events, walking tours and ad campaigns revolving around the 2012 movie “Lincoln” which was shot in Petersburg.

An online business profile lists Kirby as having graduated with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and business from Washington and Lee University and went on to pursue a master’s degree in journalism at the National Journalism Center.

Kirby will replace Connie Taunton, who retired April 1 from the position.

Creda Stewart was named as interim CVB director following Taunton’s retirement.