Community must put hate aside

Published 12:01 am Tuesday, September 15, 2015

On Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2015, another protest was held concerning an inmate possibly being mistreated at the Adams County Jail. All the parties, who are involved in this matter, are pointing fingers at each other on who is right and who is wrong. There have been several protests held at the same place. The protesters have a right to stand up to try to get answers. When something takes place where a person has been abused, someone should come forward and address these people who are protesting.

The inmates who are in jail have broken the law. But, they are also human beings who have families that love and care about them, even if the system doesn’t care. These families are heartbroken and hurting about the situation, and they only want the truth. It is very well time for both sides to sit down at the table and try to reach an agreement. Our law enforcement, and the community in which they serve and protect, are always fighting one another. So, our City and Adams County is affected by this fight. All of the national news networks such as CNN and Fox News know about what is going on in Natchez. This kind of attention makes good paying jobs not come to our city.

No one will come in and set up a business in an area that is divided. So, until people involved stop the power structure, especially when you know your house is dirty, our city will not move forward in a good manner. It is the right thing to do in saying we apologize for what has happened and I am sorry if that is the case. My prayers are that we as a community put aside the hate and come together in harmony, peace and love. Then once we as a community come together, the Lord will rain down his wonderful blessings upon the city.

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May God Bless all of you, readers.


Clarence Anderson

Natchez resident