New genereation should be mindful

Published 1:10 am Friday, January 1, 2016

Each generation has its own twerks, tweets, and style of handling life; but as a baby boomer, it bothers me to see the millennial generation (after 1980) carry on as though there is no tomorrow.

Each and everyday, there are tragic events that are hurting the younger generation. They seems to dare life and think they are invincible. They take chances that are only done on TV or make-believe land.

The thing that bothers me the most about how the millennial generation is carrying on is that these young people seem to make one think that they haven’t been forewarned. Are they not ones who have not at least seen or heard of an experience in this time of day that would make them think twice? How could this be, when there is nothing new under the sun? Are they so out of focus or out of touch that they do not have ears to hear or eyes to see?

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I know from experience that being young (teenager or young adult) is such a critical time in one’s life. I know because I have been there, done that, and have lived to tell the story. I know from experience that being a teenager or young adult is a time of life where a lot of things were being explored to the fullest; but despite the curiosity of being a teenager or young adult, those individuals have been forewarned. What parent in their rightful mind would neglect to tell their child the rights and wrongs of life? What parent, in their rightful mind, would give their child a rock if they asked for bread?

I can’t blame the parent for the wrong doing of their children, if they have forewarned a child about the birds and the bees and the flower and the trees,. I say this simply because despite the trouble my siblings and I got into as teenagers and young adults, we were forewarned. We were told to avoid trouble by all means necessary. We were told not to cross the street without looking both ways. We were told that when we played with fire we would get burned — that was literally and hypothetically.

The Word (Bible) tells us to follow the instructions of the father and the teaching of thy mother. That is to say — listen, learn and comprehend what a father or mother is trying to tell you as a child. Today, the millennium generation (teenagers and young adults) are so quick to say “you are judging me.”

Judging you? How? How can one judge another when there is only one true judge, and that is Jesus Christ? He is the only Judge who will have the last word and last sentencing of our life.

When adults call the hand of a younger person when they see them doing wrong or going down the wrong path, it’s not them placing judgment on you, but them trying to save you — save you from misery, heartache and pains of life, save you from trials and tribulation that can be avoided, sometimes. Know that the people who care enough to call your hand, care that much for you that they see fit to help you come out on top. You know life is too short to not have someone in your corner, who has your back and who is more precious than a loving parent, family member or friend.

Millennial generation, you can avoid some things if you will just obey the warnings of your parents, fore-parents, and other concerned adults. You may laugh and disrespect a grownup who is trying to tell you right from wrong, but know that there are consequences for your disrespect. Consequences as the forty-two young lads in the Bible who disrespected the prophet. You may laugh or ridicule someone who means you well, but you will be mauled or eaten up as the lads were, but not by two she-bears; but by life’s terms for being disobedient. Take heed millennial generation and open your eyes and ears to what is going on around you. Pay attention to the warnings and the conversations of those who have experienced it already.


Beverly Gibson is a former Natchez resident who now lives in Ferriday.