Local 4-H club has busy summer

Published 12:00 am Sunday, November 1, 2009

Natchez — On the move 4-H Club was on the move the entire summer. They enjoyed their summer vacation in San Antonio, Texas, where they enjoyed educational tours of the San Antonio Mission National Park and the Alamo. They also had fun at Splash Town Six Flags, shopping at the mall, touring the Ripley’s Believe or or Not, Louis Tussant Way Works, the River Walk, taking boat rides and visiting Sea World.

The youth and volunteer leaders attended the 2009 Southwest Volunteer Leaders Forum in Raymond.

During the forum they attended several workshops such as Taking the Blues out of being a 4-H Volunteer, clothing construction, livestock judging, congressional awards, youth 4-H members, recycled insects, express yourself, kids in the kitchen to learn about nutrition and 4-H bicycle safety. Door prizes were given.

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The 4-H club members made exhibits for county and state 4-H fairs.

On the Move 4-H club members and volunteers attended the MSU v. Georgia Tech football game at Mississippi State on Oct. 3.

Betty Rawlings of the Mississippi State Extension Service with 4-H youth development met at Robert Lewis Middle School with local 4-H members. David Carter, director of the Adams County Extension Service and Melanie Sojourner, Adams County 4-H agent also met with members.

Rawlings interviewed club members about their Natchez-Adams County Community Pride project. The project was selected as the one of the best submitted to the extension service.

For National 4-H Week club members passed out fliers at Egypt Baptist Church. They also participated n the 4-H record book contest.

Blue ribbons for first place were awarded to Jasmine Winding, Karnella White, Destinee Smith and Henry Mitchell.

Red Ribbons for second place were awarded to Chalsie White, Jasmine Johnson, Katara Mitchell and Chalsie Johnson,

On the Move 4-H club members participated in the modeling squad showdown event at 4-H day at Mississippi State Fair Day.

For Make a Difference Day, On the Move 4-H Club had a pre-halloween party a Kyle’s House day care center in Natchez. The group served refreshments and gave out gift bags. They did face painting and played pin the tail on the donkey, kickball musical chairs, Twister and limbo.