Salvia one of the most diverse types of garden plants, with over 900 species

Published 9:53 am Sunday, March 18, 2007

Arguably, the best and most diverse collection of garden plants belong to the genus Salvia. This genus encompasses over 900 species. Salvia is in the Lamiaceae family, commonly known as the mint family.

Perhaps no other genus can boast such a wide variety of texture, growth habit and color.

Flowers are hued in the richest of reds and the most electric of blues. Blooms of this remarkable genus may be found in any other color of the rainbow too.

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Historically, salvia was known primarily to be a useful medicine. Leaves from the common culinary sage (Salvia officinalis) and Greek sage (Salvia fruitions) were used to treat wounds in ancient Greece and Rome.

Surviving documentation describing the medicinal use of sage includes works by Theophrastus (372-287BC) and Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD). Pliny was first to use the Latin name Salvia, originating from the verb salvere, meaning to heal.

In 995 AD, the Benedictine monk Aelfric assembled a list of more than 200 trees and shrubs, in his work titled Colloquy (Nominum Herbarum). Sage was included in his list of plants for cloister gardens at the ideal monastery.

John Gerard authored The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes in 1597.

His famous British herbal listed nine different salvias. Gerard wrote ‘Sage is singularly good for the head and brain, it quickeneth the senses and memory, strengtheneth the sinews, restoreth health to those that have the palsy, and taketh away shakey trembling of the members.’

By 1743, renowned British horticulturist and botanist Philip Miller (1691-1771) wrote the Gardeners’ and Florists’ Dictionary. Seven editions followed describing new Salvia introductions previously unknown in Europe that were being brought in from the New World, Africa and the Far East. Eventually Miller claimed to introduce 32 different species.

In 1763, Carl Linneaus was responsible for naming Salvia lyrata, a hardy herbaceous perennial known as lyre-leaf sage or cancer weed, due to claims of therapeutic uses. Lyre-leaf sage is a lovely native to the Miss-Lou.

Seed catalogues in the 19th century began to list species that are important garden plants of today. E.G. Henderson and Sons was a London company that listed nine species in 1867 including Salvia coccinea, known today as Scarlet sage or Texas sage.

Scarlet sage has naturalized in areas of Mississippi and Louisiana. Salvia splendors (modern varieties include ‘Red Hot Sally’) and Salvia farinacea (‘Victoria Blue’ is one cultivar that’s commonly planted today) were among this list.

By 1925, Thomas Carlile of the Loddon Gardens at Twyford, Buckinghamshire, offered several salvias. Salvia uliginosa, a sky blue flowered “bog sage,” that is popular today, was one species available.

In the 1970s a salvia seedling was discovered at the Huntington Botanical Gardens in California, by horticulturist John MacGregor. The plant became known as Salvia ‘Indigo Spires’ and described as a “chance seedling” from Salvia longispicata and Salvia farinacea,

because it was found growing near them in the garden.

‘Indigo Spires’ produces deep blue-violet flowers from mid spring until frost. Growing to a height of 4 ft., with a spread as wide, ‘Indigo Spires’ should grace every southern garden where there is ample space. This herbaceous perennial is an absolute knockout!

Many other types of salvia will put on stellar performances in the Miss-Lou.

Each species and variety is accompanied with a fascinating story. In addition, many thrive during our dry, hot, and humid months. Salvias also attract a variety of insect pollinators and hummingbirds.

Discover these extraordinary plants if you haven’t already.

With more species being introduced to the United States each year, you’ll probably wonder how you ever got along without them.

Traci Maier writes a weekly gardening column. She can be reached at