Felter would make trailer look good
Published 12:24 am Sunday, April 12, 2009
I simply found it amusing reading The Democrat Friday morning as the editorial board scolded Supervisor Spanky Felter on the moving of a trailer for an office to save money for the county.
Knowing Mr. Felter, he would have done it right with landscaping, and you wouldn’t know it as a trailer.
People, it used to be a old horse barn there for the county, and I know it wouldn’t be a eyesore as you put it up to be.
I want to thank Mr. Felter as I thanked Mr. Watts for watching out for county tax. The editors of The Democrat should start writing more on being the watchdog of the taxpayers’ money for hard times may be on the way, and we may be pinching nickels instead of your term “to save a buck.”
It seems as if your editors look at the county board of supervisors as not abiding by the law or rules.
I feel they are following the law by not trying to raise taxes unlike the city board of aldermen on the recreation complex. That land that is donated with the condition of having everything done in two years tells my gut somebody else is gaining on this and not the taxpayers. The city already built streets without checking to see if they had the money to do the job.
By the way, whatever became of the pecan factory building situation that Mr. Phillip West (former mayor) tore down that belonged to the city taxpayers?
This is where the city board of alderman should get to work on finding all involved having this done and have them prosecuted and to pay the city taxpayers back what was lost.
Now Democrat editors this is just but one situation that you could investigate and make headline stories that would get the public’s attention!
The one that would really get the attention of Adams County taxpayers is the unfair property tax.
Most people I talk to say they would rather have less services and lower taxes. Also, the board of supervisors are lowering taxes as their agenda each year where the board of alderman is raising taxes.
Oh, before I forget, this goes along to the school board in Adams County — reduce the taxes so that the elderly and those on a fixed income can pay their taxes.
There is such a waste in the Adams County school system, but I believe that it’s coming out in time since the economy is getting tough. So, maybe this is a good thing?
Gene Simonton
Adams County residen