Health care bill lacks key points

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 12, 2009

There is nothing in either socialist party “health care” bill addressing portability job-to-job or buying (shopping for) insurance across state lines.

Nothing is mentioned about tort reform, which is a huge medical cost passed along, and nothing assures voters that illegal aliens will not be eligible. The bill doesn’t promise to spend less than a trillion dollars for an already broke nation.

There are over 100 un-elected government boards, panels and such in the 1,990 pages hidden from the voters.

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There are numerous taxes to be passed along to you, “triggers” and ways the government will force you into “their” national program at huge costs … remember Medicare was 9 times what Congress told us it would cost.

“A triumphant Speaker Nancy Pelosi compared the legislation to the passage of Social Security in 1935 and Medicare 30 years later.”

Both programs the congress mismanaged to bankrupt status and cost many times more than we were told.

Their fraud remains unchecked.

Doug Schexnayder

Vidalia resident