Crime reports: Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2013
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Natchez Police Department
Arrests — Monday
Jermaine K. Albert, 23, 1023 N. Union St., on a charge of burglary of a dwelling and a hold for the Mississippi Department of Corrections. No bond set.
Akelia M. McDonald, 25, 102 Magnolia St., on a charge of contempt of court. Bond set at $623.
Reports — Monday
Disturbance on Martin Luther King Jr. Street.
Vehicle fire on Minor Street.
Adams County Sheriff’s Office
Arrests —Monday
Lonnie Lee Armsted, 49, 11 Tasha Drive, on a charge of contempt of justice court. Bond set at $1,500.
Tia Neshae Groom, 19, 320 Eastmoor Drive, on a charge of disorderly conduct. No bond set.
Richard Lee Reid, 54, 108 Tate Road, on charges of expired tag, expired inspection, no proof of insurance, driving with a suspended license, no child restraint and driving under the influence. Released on $7,000.
Reports — Monday
Loose livestock on Petal Lane.
Intelligence report at undisclosed location.
Civil matter at undisclosed location.
Accident on Fire Tower Road.
Burglary on Montgomery Road.
Dog problem on Morgantown Road.
Fraud or false pretense at undisclosed location.
Accident on Providence Road.
Civil matter on State Street.
Traffic stop on U.S. 84
Alarm on Springfield Road.
Dog problem on Old U.S. 84 No. 1 Lot No. 2.
Traffic stop on U.S. 84.
Intelligence report on Hall Road.
Intelligence report on Lewis Drive.
Alarm on Springfield Road.
Traffic stop on Hobo Forks Road.
Patrolling area on Baldwin Lane.
Simple assault on Cloverdale Drive.
Disturbance on State Street.
Juvenile problem on South Sunflower Road.
Intelligence report on Dogwood Drive.
Traffic accident on Duck Pond Road.
Fraud or false pretense on Iris Lane.
Traffic stop on north Palestine Road.
Welfare concern or check on Booker Road.
Concordia Parish Sheriff’s Office
Arrests — Tuesday
Misty D. Stephens, 34, 7229 Louisiana 129, Monterey, on six counts of obtaining a controlled and dangerous substance by fraud. No bond set.
Arrests — Monday
Jared J. Whittington, 30, 747 Ellard Road, Jonesville, sentenced to five years in a department of corrections facility, four years suspended, for theft.
Justin R. Biglane, 33, 4226 U.S. 84, Apt. 23, Vidalia, on charges of distribution of schedule IV, possession of schedule IV with intent and possession of schedule II. No bond set.
Ernest L. Humphries, 48, 624 Louisiana 900, Clayton, sentenced to five years in a department of corrections facility, deferred five years of probation and $1,481.50 for possession of a schedule II controlled and dangerous substance.
Reports — Tuesday
Medical call on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Reports — Monday
Death threats on Levee Heights Road.
Drug law violation at unknown location in Ferriday.
Harassing phone call on D.P. Lane.
Theft on Louisiana 129.
Vidalia Police Department
No arrests.
Reports — Tuesday
Red light violation on Carter Street.
Medical call on Magnolia Street.
Expired tag and no proof of insurance on Peach Street.
Speeding on U.S. 84.
Stop sign violation on Concordia Avenue.
Reports — Monday
Medical call on Jefferson Street.
Damage to property at The Sandbar.
Ran stop sign on Texas Street.
Stop sign violation on Plum Street.
Theft on Lee Avenue.
Medical call on Martin Luther King Avenue.
Ferriday Police Department
Arrests — Monday
Gary Mayes, 20, 216 Tin Can Alley, on a warrant for carnal knowledge of a juvenile.
Reports — Tuesday
Trespassing on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Expired motor vehicle insurance on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Accidental damage on Georgia Avenue.
Theft on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Damage to property on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Headlight violation on Louisiana 425.
Reports — Monday
Improper tag display, seat belt violation, child restraint violation, cracked windshield and no driver’s license on person on E. E. Wallace Boulevard.
Speeding on Louisiana 425.
Failure to dim headlights, no proof of registration, no insurance, expired motor vehicle insurance, eight child restraint violations and no rearview mirror on Louisiana 425.
Two speeding violations on Louisiana 425.
Expired tag, expired motor vehicle insurance and no proof of insurance on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
No driver’s license on person, no proof of insurance and a seat belt violations on Virginia Avenue.
Seat belt violation and no proof of insurance on Louisiana 15.
Stop sign violation on Woodland Avenue.
Driving left of center on Louisiana 15.
Three speeding violations on E.E. Wallace.
Seat belt violation and no driver’s license on Tenth Street.
Disturbance on Florida Avenue.
Curfew violation on Kyle Road.
Reports — Saturday
Loud music on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Speeding on U.S. 84.
Cracked windshield and no driver’s license on U.S. 84.
Two seat belt violations on U.S. 84.
Speeding, no proof of insurance, driving under suspension and three child restraint violations.
Five speeding violations on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Four-wheeler on road on Serio Boulevard.
Speeding and no proof of insurance on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Speeding and seat belt violation on Louisiana 15.
Cracked windshield and no proof of insurance on U.S. 84.
Stop light violation and failure to carry registration at Sonic.
Speeding, no proof of insurance and a child restraint violation on Louisiana 15.
Speeding and expired motor vehicle insurance on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Speeding and two seat belt violations on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Lost or stolen phone on Ninth Street.
Careless operation on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Speeding on Louisiana 15.
Juvenile problem on 10th Street.
Reports — Saturday
Tail light violation on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Speeding on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Disturbance on Carolina Avenue.
Seven speeding violations on Louisiana Avenue.
Seat belt violation on Louisiana Avenue.
Speeding, illegal tint and no proof of insurance on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Seat belt violation on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Stop sign violation, no driver’s license on person and no proof of insurance on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Speeding and driving under suspension on Louisiana 15.
Stop sign violation on Martin Luther King Boulevard.
Four speeding violations on Louisiana Avenue.
Reports — Friday
Speeding and no proof of insurance on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Theft at Montgomery Square Apartments.
Vandalism on Louisiana 15.
Seat belt violation and damage to property on Martin Luther King Boulevard.
Seat belt violation on Delaware Avenue.
Speeding on Louisiana Avenue.
Allowing unlicensed driver to drive on Martin Luther King Avenue.
Unwanted person at Concordia Parish Library.
Natchez Fire Department
No calls.
Vidalia Fire Department
No calls.
Ferriday Fire Department
No calls.
Concordia Fire District No.2
No calls.