Adams County paving budget set at $600K
Published 12:03 am Monday, February 2, 2015
NATCHEZ — Overlay work for 18 Adams County roads is moving forward.
The order to proceed with the work was officially given last week, and the county has budgeted approximately $600,000 for the project, Board President Darryl Grennell said.
“The board of supervisors has to ride those roads every year by the first of the year, and then we get with our road manager and let him know what roads we felt were important in terms of upgrades,” Grennell said. “He will add those roads to the 4-year road plan, make a recommendation to the board and we will approve it.”
The recommendations for this year’s plan were approved in November, Grennell said.
Supervisor’s Vice President Mike Lazarus said all of the money for this year’s overlay was included in the county budget from the start.
“Roads and bridges are a priority for us, and they need to be a priority for us,” he said. “The state isn’t sending a lot of money for roads, so we need to take care of this. I want to blacktop some roads every year until we get them all done, and by then we will probably have to start over, but we will have taken care of everything.”
Those roads that were included in this year’s overlay project include:
Two sections of Cedar Lane
A portion of Country Club Drive
King Circle — including the street and the cul-de-sac off King Circle
Madison Street
Hope Lane
Nations Road
Wobbler/Webber Road off Sandpiper
Janette Crossing
East Kirby Road and manhole adjustments on Kirby Road
Lotus Drive, including manhole adjustments
Crocus Circle
Sage Circle
Rosemond Circle
Beane Road
Lawerence Road
Eagle’s Nest Road
Canebreak Road
Round Hill Road
The Blain Companies are completing the overlay work. The county road crew doesn’t have the capabilities to do asphalt overlays, Grennell said.