Column misrepresented Mall’s health
Published 12:01 am Wednesday, September 9, 2015
This is in response to Ben Hillyer’s piece published August 28.
In his opinion piece Mr. Hillyer gave the public the impression the Natchez mall was on its last leg and about to close. In no way is that the truth. What is even more disappointing is Mr. Hillyer put forth false information stating that more spaces were empty than full. Of the 30 spaces only eight are empty. We are glad to see he has publicly retraced that statement.
The mall has had some setbacks over the years mostly due to the economic climate of our area and challenge of retail in general. The Mall has been and still is a profitable business and as a whole is one of the largest employers in the area providing jobs, thousands of dollars in sales and real estate taxes. Tabani Group, the owner of the mall, is working very aggressively to attract new business to the mall with some promising prospects. We regret Mr. Hillyer and this paper attacked the mall in this way and sorry for any confusion this may have caused. The fact is The Natchez Mall is open for business has been for many years and will be for many more to come!
Marie M. Lofton, Natchez Mall Manager