Natchez primary election Tuesday
Published 12:06 am Sunday, May 8, 2016
NATCHEZ — Voters will decide Tuesday who will represent them in the Natchez city government for the next four years.
With the announced withdrawal of Republican Burnley Cook from the Ward 6 alderman’s race, the makeup of the board of aldermen could be decided Tuesday since no Republicans are running in the partisan primary.
That’s unlikely, however, since the Ward 4 race has a crowded field with five candidates. Ward 2 could also go to a run-off May 24 if none of the three candidates take a simple majority.
Both the Ward 2 and 4 races guarantee a new face at the board table since no incumbents are in the race. In Ward 3, Sarah Carter Smith will be re-elected without opposition.
In the mayor’s race, one of the two Democratic candidates will still have to face independent Eric Junkin in the June 7 general election.
On the ballot Tuesday are:
-For mayor: Ernest “Tony” Fields and Darryl Grennell
-For Ward 1 Alderman: René Adams and Joyce Arceneaux-Mathis
-For Ward 2 Alderman: Tamathy Dunn-Franklin, Billy Joe Frazier and Brian L. Johnson
-For Ward 4 Alderman: Barbara Wesley Bruce, Joseph Louis Gunning, Jeremy R. Houston, Felicia R. Bridgewater-Irving and Edwin E. White
-For Ward 5 Alderman: Benjamin Davis and Mark Fortenbery
-For Ward 6 Alderman: Dan Dillard and Agnes Holloway
-For municipal court judge: Carmen Brooks and Lisa Jordan Dale
Mail-in absentee ballots are due by 5 p.m. Monday. City voters wishing to cast ballots in person on Tuesday may do so at their local precinct, which are:
-For Ward 1, the City Council Chambers at 115 Pearl St.
-For Ward 2, Frazier Elementary School at 1445 George F. West Blvd.
-For Ward 3, Crosspoint Church at 285 Highland Blvd.
-For Ward 4, Christian Hope Missionary Baptist Church at 301 LaSalle St.
-For Ward 5, Mississippi National Guard Armory at 329 Liberty Road.
-For Ward 6, the Duncan Park Canteen at 57 Duncan Park Road.
Polls will be open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday.