Two churches ready for revival

Published 12:02 am Saturday, September 9, 2017

By Morgan Mizell

The Natchez Democrat

NATCHEZ — Revival is in the air, as two churches in the Miss-Lou area begin a four-day revival Sunday at Stanton Baptist Church, located at 1303 Hwy 61 North.

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The revival will start at 11 a.m. Sunday and continue with a 7 p.m. evening service. Services for the following two days will remain at Stanton at 7 p.m. until Wednesday evening when the revival will move across the river to Bougere Baptist Church located at 18329 Hwy 15 in Vidalia. The Rev. Mike Harrigill is the pastor at Bougere.

The guest evangelist for the revival services will be Rev. Jim W. Moss who founded Evangelistic Ministries Inc. in 2000 and lives in Nacogodoches, Texas, with his wife, Rita. The Rev. Moss was called to preach at the age of 14 and pastored churches for the next 41 years until he made the decision to become a full time evangelist.

“We hope to see people challenged to walk closer to the Lord,” the Rev. Steve Purvis said.  “And we want to see souls added to God’s kingdom.”

“Today there is a feeling that people need to develop a stronger relationship with God and care more for others. This will also be a focus of the event,” he said.

Special music will be provided for the event by the Stanton Baptist Church praise team under the direction of Steve Strebeck.

The event is free and open to any and all who wish to participate. Nursery will be provided for all services.