Thompson announces run for District 5 supervisor

Published 12:13 am Thursday, June 6, 2019

Special to The Democrat

NATCHEZ — Allen Thompson recently announced his candidacy for Adams County Supervisor District 5.

“My Name is Allen Thompson, though most people know me as ‘Kelly,’ and in racing circles I am known as ‘Batman’,” Thompson said. “By any name, though, I am the same man that has lived and worked in Adams County, for more than 30 years, living in District 5 for the last nine years. I am married to Lynda Butler Thompson, and together we share four children.”

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Thompson said he shares the interests for voters in Adams County District 5.

“As a resident and taxpayer in District 5,” Thompson said, “I share the same concerns and fears as my fellow citizens about jobs and the lack of industry in Adams County. We keep hearing from local officials about what they are doing to attract potential industrial candidates to the area, but nothing seems to come from those efforts.

“Yet our elected officials continue to fly back and forth to Washington, D.C., and who knows where else, to attend more and more meetings, trying to secure the economic future of Adams County. I don’t know about you, but I have seen very little in the way of results, from all of that travel by our elected officials, which is paid for by our tax dollars, and certainly nothing for any of those elected officials to brag about. I believe it is time we try something different in Adams County, and that starts with electing people with business experience to run Adams County, beginning with District 5.

“I started working in chemical plants in high school, and continued that after high school, in maintenance. I have built a career working on a variety of machinery, such as air planes, oil rigs and over the road trucks.

“I began my own trucking company, and soon had a business covering 12 Southern states, head quartered right here in Adams County. For the last 10 years I have been a self-employed diesel engine and truck mechanic and welder. Because of this experience, I know a lot about equipment and Adams County owns a great deal of equipment. And, one of the most important things related to the ownership of equipment, is the maintenance of that equipment, especially the cost of that maintenance.

“All of this so critical to the proper maintenance of our District 5 roads and bridges, which should be one of the most important items to our supervisors and the citizens they serve. If you only look around, you can see waste and neglect everywhere in District 5.

“I believe it is time for a change. Therefore, I very humbly ask for your vote and support, in the Aug. 6, election for Supervisor in District 5. If elected, I will use all of my experience and knowledge to help District 5 and Adams County.”