Customer Service

Where is The Natchez Democrat located?

We are located at 503 N. Canal Street in Natchez, Mississippi. You can visit us during regular office hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

How do I contact someone from the newspaper?
You can call us at 601-442-9101 or e-mail us at

I have a question about my subscription. Who do I contact?

Have a billing question? Use this online billing questions form or call 601-445-3537.

Going on vacation? Fill out this online vacation hold form or call 601-445-3556 to hold delivery of you paper.

Contact the circulation department with other general questions.

Where do I send a letter to the editor?
To send letters to the editor, you can use our online letters to the editor form. Please include your name and a phone number where we can reach you for verification purposes only. Please limit letters to 250 words or less.

How can I subscribe to The Natchez Democrat?
You can subscribe to the newspaper using our online subscription form or by calling 601-445-3556.

How can I submit a news event to the newspaper?
To submit an idea for a news story call 601-445-3552 or send your story idea using our online news submission form or by calling 601-445-3551.

How can I submit a sports story idea or score to the newspaper?
To submit an idea for a sports story use our online sports submission form or call 601-445-3632.

Sports scores can be submitted using our online sports scores form.

Where do I report a broken link or make a comment about the Web site?
E-mail problems of comments about to

How do I submit an obituary?
Currently we do not offer online submissions of obituaries. We accept obituaries directly from the funeral home For more information call 601-442-9101 or inquire at our offices located at 503 N. Canal Street in Natchez.

Can I obtain a wedding, engagement form online?
Yes. Click one of the following links to download a PDF version of the forms for wedding and engagements. Fill out form and fax to 601-442-7315 or drop it off at The Natchez Democrat office before regular business hours. Forms must be submitted 10 days before the desired publication date. If you have any questions, please call 601-442-9101.

Wedding announcement form
Engagement announcement form