Prescott serves Cathedral High as batgirl

Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 8, 1999

Cathedral freshman Kate Prescott is nearly always on deck for the Cathedral High baseball team. But you won’t find her name in the starting lineup.

Prescott is the Cathedral High batgirl. She served her first duty as batgirl in the seventh grade.

&uot;My next door neighbor, Paige Dollar, did it, but she had to go out of town for a weekend and I filled in for two games.&uot;

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Prescott admits she was nervous at first.

&uot;I didn’t know the people,&uot; she said.

She did know head coach Ken Beesley.

&uot;He did scare me at first, but he warmed up to me,&uot; she said. &uot;He teaches me a lot about being a batgirl now.&uot;

Any difficulty with the position changed the next year when she took on the duty full time.

&uot;It was a lot easier,&uot;&160;she said. &uot;I know everybody and knew what to expect. It’s a lot of fun. The guys are fun to be around.&uot;

Prescott said being batgirl is not as simple as it seems.

&uot;You don’t just sit around and watch the game,&uot; she said. &uot;I have to run errands, pick up equipment and make sure the scorecard keeps getting turned over.&uot;

And, of course, retrieving bats.

&uot;When our team is batting, I stand in the door of the dugout,&uot; she said. &uot;If somebody does something real good and it’s an exciting game, sometimes I forget for a second. But a lot of the guys use the same bat, so I don’t have to get it. I just about know now what bat everyone uses.&uot;

Prescott also plays basketball and softball for Cathedral. She spent two years as a member of the Emerald Tide and is now a cheerleader.

&uot;I’ve always been active in school and been a tomboy,&uot; she said.

Prescott rides in the front of the bus on road trips.

&uot;The road trips are fun,&uot; Prescott said.

The Cathedral freshman said she also tries to keep the morale up on the team.

&uot;I talk to everybody and try to keep everybody’s spirits up, although Barr (Biglane) does a good job of that,&uot; she said.

Prescott said she would like to continue being a batgirl through the remainder of her high school career.

&uot;I&160;thing I would tell anyone who wants to be a batgirl is that you can’t be shy and you have to enjoy baseball because you are going to be watching a lot of it,&uot; she said.

Prescott said if Cathedral does win a state championship, she will feel a part of it.

&uot;I think so,&uot; she said. &uot;My name is on the bottom of the scorecard.&uot;