County wants yard signs in yards

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 13, 1999

Yard signs are called yard signs for a reason, said Virginia Salmon, president of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. &uot;We have a big problem with political yard signs on the county rights of way,&uot; Salmon said at Monday’s board meeting.

Political yard signs have cropped up all over Adams County. Unfortunately, they have also cropped up on county road rights-of-way, creating havoc for road crews trying to cut grass, Salmon said.

&uot;These (signs) adversely affect the maintenance and construction of roads, impede county crews from doing their work and cause roadway hazards for the traveling public,&uot; said Russell Dorris, county road manager.

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To solve the problem, Dorris suggested a plan to allow originators of the signs to collect them before July 17. If signs are not collected by then, the county will gather them and store them at the Liberty Road maintenance facility. After July 17, owners of the signs may collect them there.

Dorris sent letters Monday to political candidates, realtors and commercial sign companies notifying them of the need to remove any signs they may have on county rights of way.

State Sen. Bob M. Dearing (D.-Natchez) said he personally supervises the placement of the majority of his campaign posters.

&uot;I personally put out 90-95 percent of my signs and instruct campaign workers not to put them in county or state rights of way,&uot; Dearing said. &uot;I drive all over, so I keep a close watch on all those signs.

&uot;I found two signs the other day, one in a county right of way and the other in a state right of way – I pulled both of them and put them in my car.&uot;