Centenarian shares words of wisdom

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 7, 1999

Just work hard and trust in the Lord.&uot; That’s Florence Dixon’s secret to a successful and long life, and it’s advice worth heeding.

Dixon, who celebrated her 100th birthday on Sunday, shared her simple philosophy with friends and family.

And it’s a philosophy that we all do well to heed.

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&uot;Work hard&uot; is a phrase and an approach to life that so many people today find frightening.

To &uot;work hard&uot; means to give your all to any task you undertake – from your 8-to-5 job to raising children to being an active member of a community.

To &uot;work hard&uot; means to remember that your values and principles are reflected in all you do, and no job, no task, is too small to merit your best efforts.

And to &uot;work hard&uot; means to continue to challenge yourself to grow, to learn – to stretch beyond the levels of comfort and complacency.

To &uot;trust in the Lord&uot; means to have faith – in a higher being; in the inherent goodness of man; in the ultimate sense of purpose and direction for our lives.

To &uot;trust in the Lord&uot; also means to trust in your fellow man (or woman). It means accepting the principles of Christianity – love and forgiveness – that are universal in all religions and faith.

And, ultimately, to &uot;trust in the Lord&uot; means realizing that some things – some events, some people – are beyond your control.

Florence Dixon said only a few words, but she summed up a lifetime of experience and wisdom.

And we should learn from it.