City to meet on comprehensive plan

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 12, 1999

A public hearing will be held at 5 p.m. Thursday to discuss changes to the proposed Natchez comprehensive plan.

The hearing will be held at the auditorium in the Natchez Visitor Reception Center.

The comprehensive plan, which looks 20 years into the city’s future, includes goals, objectives and policies; a land use plan; a transportation plan; and a public facilities plan. After the plan is adopted, it will be revised every five years.

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At a similar hearing in June, several residents complained about a proposal in the plan to extend Martin Luther King Jr. Street to John R. Junkin Drive.

City Planner David Preziosi said the street extension is still in the current version of the plan. But changes have been made to sections on recreation, tourism and transportation, he said. Some proposed roads were added to the plan, and more information about African-American tourism was incorporated in the tourism plan.

Copies of the plan and the land use map are available for review in the city planning office and the city clerk’s office.