Natchez, ACCS girls begin tourney

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 31, 1999

Basketball season tips off in the Miss-Lou Monday at Adams County Christian School hosts its annual Girls Tip-Off Tournament, while Natchez High will be competing in Warren Central at the Coca-Cola Tournament.

Natchez High’s boys face Madison Central at 5:30 p.m. in the Warren Central gym. The boys follow a girls contest between Natchez and Warren Central at 4 p.m. The tournament continues Tuesday and Thursday.

Huntington, Brookhaven, Porter’s Chapel and Briarfield will compete in the AC Tournament, which consists of junior high and varsity teams.

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&uot;Brookhaven was 43-0 before getting beat in the semifinals of Overall last year,&uot; AC&160;coach Bruce Pickle said of the defending 2A champs. &uot;They’ve got almost everybody back and are ranked No. 5.&uot;

AC has played two games.

&uot;We’re coming together,&uot; Pickle said. &uot;We’ve got six seniors who have played a lot. We’re expecting big things out of them. We have a chance to be good if we take care of the basketball in every game.&uot;

AC seniors are Katie Anders, Bethany Gamberi, Laurie Davis, Amanda Walker, Sara Davis and Rebecca Rabb.

The tournament tips off Monday at 4 p.m. with Porter’s Chapel junior high meeting Briarfield, followed by both teams’ varsity squads.

AC’s junior high faces Brookhaven at 6:45 p.m., followed by the varsity game.

On Tuesday, Brookhaven and Huntington junior highs meet at 4 p.m., followed by the varsity. Porter’s Chapel meets AC&160;in the nightcap.

The tournament ends Thursday with Brookhaven meeting Briarfield in a junior high and varsity contest beginning at 4 p.m., followed by AC&160;vs. Huntington.