Horse barns, arena get small reprieve

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 7, 1999

Bids to remove and demolish equestrian structures on the Liberty Park property have been delayed for further evaluation, said Natchez-Adams School Superintendent Dr. Carl Davis.

Plans to bid the removal of two equestrian barns and an arena have been delayed until after the first of the year, he said.

&uot;We were rushed to get it done&uot; before Christmas, Davis said.

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&uot;We need additional time to research,&uot; he said. &uot;We are still developing plans based on the longterm needs of the school district.&uot;

The delay may work to the advantage of local riding clubs who hope to bid on the barns and arena for a new equestrian facility.

Local horse enthusiasts are still searching for a place to ride their horses since the county sold the Liberty Park property to the school district this spring.

Ruthie Hinton appeared before Adams County supervisors Monday hoping to hear that the county had designated land for equestrian use in the county.

&uot;We’re still trying to work out something for a place to put an arena,&uot; Hinton said.

Hinton represents the Dixie Riding Club, one of several groups that have been petitioning supervisors for land since the sale of the Liberty Park site.

Supervisors have been hesitant to designate a parcel of land for equestrian clubs while the county is still seeking industrial property to lure new business and jobs to the economically strapped county.

&uot;We’re still in a negotiating state,&uot; said Virginia Salmon, president of the Adams County Board of Supervisors.

&uot;I know how anxious you all are,&uot; she said.

Once purchased, the equestrian barns and arena must be moved to a new location, but there is not location designated for it.

Salmon said she expected to have an answer on industrial land commitments at the end of January or perhaps into February.

&uot;Perhaps we can have an answer for you at that time,&uot; Salmon said.

If the school district bids the removal of the equestrian structures on the Liberty Park property prior to the selection of new land for the riding clubs, then Hinton and other equestrians would have a tight timeline in which to find a new home for the equestrian equipment.