One good deed needs another

Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 12, 1999

Alfreda Glover was headed to do a good deed Sunday afternoon — but first she needed a little help with her car. So she held the umbrella for her boyfriend, Johnny McGee, while fixed a loose wire beneath the hood of her red Nissan Sentra on Morgan Avenue.

That’s where The Democrat Dart found them Sunday afternoon, beneath a light drizzle in front of Glover’s house.

McGee took time from one of his favorite activities — watching football — to help his girlfriend with the car. He often helps out with jobs around the house.

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&uot;That’s so I don’t have to call him from the side of the road and tell him, ‘This car is broke,’&uot; Glover laughed.

Not that she hasn’t been able to fix her car herself. &uot;I’m a little scared, but I’ll get up under there,&uot; she said, pointing to the hood.

Glover needed to use the car Sunday because she was headed to help her cousin, who is legally blind.

&uot;She needs people doing things for her,&uot; Glover said, &uot;to take her to the store and things.&uot;

Glover has lived on the quiet street for about five years. She has two children, and was also entertaining a young cousin Sunday.

Glover’s daughter Jasmine and cousin Kimberly, both 11, were in the car with her as she pulled from the driveway, honking her horn to signal everything was all right with the car.