Port competes for portion of $2.5M grant

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 26, 2000

The Natchez Port will join other Mississippi ports, airports and railway hubs in competing for its share of a $2.5 million federal highway grant program sponsored by the Mississippi Department of Transportation.

The port’s application for funds under MDOT’s Intermodal Connector Improvement Program is due Feb. 1.

&uot;We’re working with the EDA to get the grant together,&uot; said Pat Murphy, director of the Natchez-Adams County Port.

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A total of 12 ports, two airports and three rail/bus centers are eligible to apply for funds under the MDOT program. In 2000, $2.5 million will be available. A total of $12.5 million will be awarded through 2003.

Murphy said the Natchez port would apply for two separate projects under the grant. Each project will require 20 percent matching funds from the port. The first is to concrete and pave the roadway at the port from the Coast Guard station to L. E. Berry Road at a total cost of $350,000 with a local matching contribution of $70,000.

The second part of the grant would be to asphalt and widen Port Levy Road leading to the new bulk loading facility. This improvement would cost $621,000 with a matching payment of $124,000 from the port.