Mmm … that water sure tastes good …
Published 12:00 am Friday, April 7, 2000
Let’s face it. For most of us, water is pretty dull. When it’s good, it really doesn’t have a taste. It is essential to life as we know it, but all too often we overlook its importance.
It’s one of those things you don’t miss until it’s gone. We arrogantly turn the tap and watch the water flow without much thought about where it originates. We take it for granted until we don’t have it anymore.
Just ask anyone from Ferriday, La., what life’s like without potable water coming from the tap. Most Ferriday residents gained new appreciation for the simple, clear liquid last year when the town’s malfunctioning water plant forced a boil-water notice for 124 days.
Fortunately (knock on wood) in Adams County we’ve been blessed with great water and wonderful people keeping our water systems in good working order.
Last year Natchez Water Works won high honors in a water quality test.
And last month the Adams County Water Association won first place in a state rural water association test.
Although 400 rural water associations exist in the state, only 18 participated in the contest. But we think it’s because the other 382 water associations just knew they couldn’t compete with the likes of Adams County.
Next samples of Adams County water will head to Washington to be sampled by the taste-testers at the national rural water contest.
Not only has the Adams County Water Association now earned the best marks in the state, but the group is also one of the largest — serving about 16,000 people in Adams, Jefferson and Franklin counties.
Congratulations to the good folks over at the Adams County Water Association and good luck at the national rural water contest.