VFW Auxiliary salutes those who fly flag

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 27, 2000

With Memorial Day approaching, the Ladies’ Auxiliary of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9573 believes businesses and households that display the United States’ flag deserve a salute.

So in late April, Ladies’ Auxiliary member Kitty Dunagan drove throughout Natchez to find and photograph places that fly the flag.

At the project’s end, she had photos of more than 36 businesses and 25 homes. Government offices that are required to display the flag were excluded.

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The purpose of the project, which Dunagan said was suggested by auxiliary District Commander Carolyn Verucci, is to recognize those who fly the flag.

&uot;The emphasis is on individuals who, through their own dedication, have chosen to display the flag,&uot; Dunagan said.

Although Dunagan expected to see more homes and businesses flying the flag, she was encouraged to see so many of them displaying the flag well.

&uot;Many of them have the flag displayed prominently on flagpoles and with the proper lighting,&uot;&160;Dunagan said.

&uot;I&160;was very impressed.

&uot;Also, I don’t believe there was a neighborhood that I&160;visited that did not have some homes that were displaying our national flag.&uot;

And Dunagan said she hopes that such recognition will encourage other businesses and individuals to do the same.