Re-bidding courthouse project saves money

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 6, 2000

A decision by the Adams County Board of Supervisors to re-advertise bids for courthouse renovations reduced the cost of the project.

After bids on the project came in about $160,000 higher than the original estimate, the board voted in April to break the project into five pieces and rebid each one separately.

During Monday’s regular supervisor meeting, the board opened bids for four of the projects.

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Several companies submitted bids for the projects, but, if the board selects the lowest combination of bids, the first four phases of the project should only cost $157,676.

&uot;(It’s) much better than we anticipated,&uot;&160;said Johnny Waycaster, of Waycaster and Associates.

The board originally estimated $257,000 for the entire project. Monday’s bids gives the board about $100,000 for the fifth and final phase of the project while still staying under its original estimate.

&uot;I was very pleased myself,&uot; Waycaster said, about the figures.

When the board first advertised the renovations as one lump project, the lowest bid came in at $417,000.

The drop in cost may be the result of timing, Waycaster said.

Also, breaking down the project gave other companies an opportunity to bid, he said.

&uot;For some reason we had interest from a group of people that didn’t bid last time,&uot; Waycaster said. &uot;We got some very good numbers this time.&uot;

The county received four bids for the first phase of the project which finances the exterior repair of the State Street courthouse.

Smith Painting and Contracting Company, of Hattiesburg submitted the low bid of $74,576.

For phase two of the project, J.M. Electronics of Natchez submitted the lowest of two bids at $10,500.

This phase covers improvements to the courthouse’s audio system.

Three companies submitted bids for the third phase of the project which includes interior repair such as bathroom work.