Byrne meets with Saints’ newest team
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 27, 2000
Tony Byrne and his new teammates were introduced at a press conference held by the New Orleans Saints Tuedsay in New Orleans.
No, Byrne is not the latest quarterback to try and lead the Saints to the playoffs. He’s a member of the newly-formed New Orleans Saints Fan Advisory Board.
Byrne and 21 other season-ticket holders were picked from 500 entries applying for a position on the board.
Byrne responded to a questionairre asking Saint season-ticket holders why they should be on the board.
Byrne sent a letter saying his background as mayor of Natchez for 20 years could be of service.
The group introduced themselves and then met New Orleans Saints Business General Manager Arnold Fielkow.
&uot;He told us this has never been done in professional sports,&uot; Byrne said. &uot;He was a lawyer who quit and acquired a minor league baseball and football team. He talked about how the lower leagues always tired to do something to get fans to come to games while the NFL expected people to pay for their tickets and come. And that’s not necessarily true.&uot;
Byrne and his new business associates will submit suggestions for bringing in more fans.
Byrne originally suggested casinos offer certain specials relating to Saints game in uch the same way they do for Jazzfest.
Byrne added Saint halftime shows should be like they were in the past with Al Hirt and Pete Fountain providing entertainment.
Byrne and his cohorts will return July 26 for a meeting which will include voting on whether to keep Fetch Monster, the Saint mascot dog who retrieves the kicking tee after kickoffs and field goal attempts.
&uot;There doesn’t seem to be any doubt she’ll be staying,&uot; Byrne said.
Byrne and his group were given a tour of the Saint facilities.
&uot;It was quite interesting,&uot; he said. &uot;They explained they have all new equipment because a trainer likes to have his own equipment.&uot;
Byrne said there was no talk about getting paid for the new venture.
&uot;They gave us a hat and put a jersey on us for the media, but they took the jerseys back,&uot; he said.
Byrne said he will welcome any suggestions on how to make games more enjoyable.
&uot;I definitely feel like I’m part of the Saints now,&uot; Byrne said. &uot;And I’m enthusiastic. If anybody has any questions, they can call me. Just don’t ask me to get tickets. That’s doesn’t come with it.&uot;