Residents ready for ‘great time’ at Night Out

Published 12:00 am Monday, July 31, 2000

Residents of the Creek Street area are gearing up for their third year to celebrate National Night Out Tuesday – a nationwide block party to promote safe neighborhoods.

Last year’s event was a fabulous time, said Wanda Mulvihill, who has lived in the neighborhood 58-years.

&uot;We had a great time and everybody pitched in and brought food,&uot;&160;she said. &uot;In fact nobody wanted to go home, and the only reason it broke up was because of the rain – a storm came out.&uot;

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And the neighbors look forward to National Night Out, said Clara Ware.

The Creek Street area, which is Natchez’s oldest subdivision includes 82 houses and at least 50 children.

From 5:30 to 9:30 p.m&160;Tuesday, they will join an estimated 30 million people celebrating National Night Out around the world.

More than 9,000 communities in all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities and military bases are expected to take part in what is the 17th annual National Night Out.

Sixteen local communities have signed up to celebrate what is the sixth-annual Night Out celebration for the City of Natchez.

And residents of the Creek Street community thinks the event helps them get to know each other better.

&uot;It’s a time to fellowship with the neighborhood,&uot; said Paul Hargrave.

Donna Young said our society’s busy pace makes it more difficult for people to meet their neighbors.

&uot;With both husbands and wives working it’s hard. You don’t know anybody,&uot; Young said.

That is why events like National Night Out are so important.

&uot;A lot of times we’re all working such hectic schedule we don’t get to communicate,&uot; Young said.

The Night Out is a good time for the residents to come out and do that, she said.

Overall, the Creek Street residents are pleased with the quality of life in the neighborhood.

Crime is infrequent and described by residents just as &uot;nuisance&uot; problems such as a gas-can being stolen out of a truck.

The community also formed a neighborhood watch group three years ago which, residents say, has also decreased crime.

&uot;It’s a real solid neighborhood,&uot;&160;Hargrave said.

It’s the kind of neighborhood where people watch out for each other, and it almost has an Andy Griffith type feel, he said.

&uot;You can be relaxed,&uot; Hargrave said. &uot;Your kids can come out and play (and) the neighbors watch out for the kids.&uot;

As part of the National Night Out celebration, the neighbors will enjoy refreshments and have games for the children.

And city, county and law enforcement officials will visit all the neighborhoods which are participating. Mr. McGruff, the crime dog, and crash dummies Vince and Larry will also visit the sites.

The goal of National Night Out is to:

4Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness.

4Generate support and participation in local anti-crime efforts.

4Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police community partnerships.

4Send a message to criminals that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

It is sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch and locally sponsored by the Natchez Police Department.