Supervisors could face lawsuit over Hawkins Road

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 5, 2000

Adams County could be facing a lawsuit from residents of Hawkins Road, Board of Supervisors President Virginia Salmon said.

Karen Pilcher, a resident of the road, asked the supervisors again Tuesday to continue county maintenance on a portion of the road.

But, because the road carries certain restrictions, including cattle grating, the county is prohibited from working on it, Salmon said.

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Pilcher and other residents argue that the county has maintained the road in the past. &uot;What somebody did in the past is wrong,&uot; Salmon said.

Following regular business, the supervisors entered into an hour-long executive session to discuss the possible litigation and personnel.

District 4 Supervisor Darryl Grennell was not present at the meeting, and the Natchez-Adams County Economic Development Authority was also not represented.

In other business, the supervisors:

4Heard the budget report for fiscal year 2000-01 for Natchez Regional Medical Center. Hospital CEO Jack Houghton presented the budget, which Salmon and Supervisor Sammy Cauthen agreed &uot;sounded positive.&uot;

4Approved travel for sheriff’s department Capt. Danny Rollins to attend a training workshop in Virginia in October.

4Tabled a separate travel request by sheriff’s Deputy Karl Pree to attend a National Rifle Association Competition in Jackson until legality questions can be researched. Salmon said the county cannot approve travel funds for the competition unless it also serves as training.

4Heard a report from Natchez-Adams County Airport Manager Clint Pomeroy that the airport has recently had an increase in military traffic, leading to more fuel sales.

Pomeroy also said the airport will soon be accepting bids for runway work.

4Heard a report from the county engineering department that a permit for work on Liberty Road was approved.