Outdoor head test goes here

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 14, 2000

Music has not only shaped 17-year-old Kristle Taylor’s high school career, it has afforded her some valuable opportunities.

Taylor, an Adams County Christian School senior, has played the flute since fifth grade and is serving her fourth year as color guard captain in the school’s marching band.

In December, Taylor will return to Florida for the second consecutive year to perform in the Citrus Bowl halftime show.

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The honor came after Taylor’s performance at a University of Mississippi color guard camp this summer. But, Taylor won’t be travelling alone.

For the first time, the entire ACCS guard is invited.

Taylor also sings in Highland Baptist Church’s youth choir and adult choir while somehow managing to carve out a place on the school’s honor roll.

Her many activities keep her busy, but Taylor said she has a strong personal motivation. &uot;Just to prove to people that I can do it,&uot; she said.

Taylor also said she wants people to understand that color guard is both a sport and an art.

&uot;You’ve got to be athletic, but you also have to be creative to move with the music,&uot; she said.

Creativity is a big part of Taylor’s position as captain. Each year, she creates and choreographs the guard’s complicated routines.

But her position of responsibility is also one of leadership, and the last four years have taught Taylor some valuable lessons.

&uot;You can’t be the boss over everybody,&uot; she said. &uot;I’m not the only one there.&uot;

Taylor has also learned that success does not come easily; recognition comes only after months of practice and hard work.

&uot;I’ve sacrificed a lot of Saturday mornings and sleeping late,&uot; she said, laughing.

Following graduation, Taylor said she plans to join the color guard at Copiah-Lincoln Community College.

Taylor is the daughter of Mark and Viviann Taylor of Natchez.