Strategic plan just the beginning of new vision

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 31, 2001

Thursday, May 31, 2001

The Natchez Democrat

When more than 30 government and business leaders gathered

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Tuesday to talk about the focus of economic development, they

started by taking a quick inventory of our strengths.

And that quick inventory yielded a long list – a list that

ranged from Natchez’s location on the Mississippi River to its

port to its people.

Then, these leaders focused on the opportunities to improve,

to build on, to better those strengths. And, again, the list was

thoughtful and insightful, with everything from embracing a positive

attitude to four-laning access to the city among the opportunities


Now, with all those lists in hand, the real work begins.

The 30-plus men and women present at that session will go back

to the table, review those lists and formulate a two-year plan

designed to turn those opportunities into realities.

This type of focused, open dialogue should prove beneficial

to all those involved, and to the residents of Adams County and

surrounding areas.

We talk, often, about the need for jobs, jobs, jobs. And, as

several of the leaders pointed out at Tuesday’s meeting, attitudes

and economic opportunities go hand-in-hand: with good economic

opportunities, good attitudes abound. But, it is equally important

to maintain those positive outlooks as you build and develop economic

opportunities. In fact, many say, a cooperative and proactive

attitude is necessary to developing a community’s economy.

We believe the men and women who sat around those tables on

Tuesday want to embrace that philosophy and will draw on their

leadership abilities, their positions and their influence to help

craft a vision to move our community forward.

The strategic plan this process yields will be only a part

of the true benefits we see from the discussion, the cooperation

and the building of vision.