Wright hopes to unite area ministers
Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 9, 2001
Sunday, September 09, 2001
The Natchez Democrat
Ministers – like their flocks – have needs. Many have found
an alliance with other spiritual leaders can be helpful. It could
be more.
The Rev. Doug Wright is on a mission to convince more of the
area’s clergy that they can strengthen and inspire one another
and, in so doing, perhaps be a new positive force in the community.
&uot;It’s vital to have support from people who understand
what we do, people who have some of the same problems and challenges,&uot;
said Wright, the well-spoken and energetic pastor of First Assembly
of God and president of the Natchez Ministerial Alliance.
&uot;I see the alliance as a place for Christian ministers
to come together to support and encourage one another as well
as to have a presence in the community.&uot;
Wright is not new to the leadership role, having served as
alliance president in the mid 1990s.
&uot;This year they asked me to consider coming back in as
president. It needed some reviving. It has gone through kind of
a slump.&uot;
Wright has some of the same goals for the alliance that he
had five to six years ago. &uot;My heart was to see the ministerial
alliance with a good racial mix and a variety of denominations,&uot;
he said.
The first business meeting of the year will be Tuesday at 10
a.m. at Christian Hope Baptist Church with the Rev. John Scott
as host.
&uot;We’re going to make personal invitations to try to get
a good group out for that,&uot; Wright said.
Further, the alliance will have Dolphus Weary as a special
guest at the meeting.
&uot;He’s the executive director of Mission Mississippi, and
he’s coming to try to help us come together as a group.&uot;
Mission Mississippi, a Jackson-based nonprofit incorporated
in 1993, was organized to bring together Christians of all races
and denominations.
Wright said there have been disappointments in how the alliance
functions during times of community crisis.
&uot;We do not always agree on how to respond to a situation.
That can be very difficult,&uot; he said.
Still, he will begin the year with a surge of optimism, hoping
that more ministers will attend the meetings and take part in
the few annual events the alliance sponsors.
Two highlights of the Ministerial Alliance year are the community
Thanksgiving service and the National Day of Prayer service.
&uot;We had wonderful participation this last time. I was
thrilled,&uot; Wright said.
Ministers of the Christian faith have much in common despite
differences of denominations, he said.
&uot;We all come together in our savior Christ. I’d like to
see the alliance get stronger, and we’re hopeful that will happen
this year. I hope we will have a big participation in September.&uot;
Making a difference in the community will continue to be a
goal of the alliance, Wright said, even though new and old issues
that arise to divide the community also may continue to divide
the ministers, he said.
&uot;Personal relationships among the ministers can make a
difference. We can encourage each other. And we can become more
integrated in a good way.&uot;
Wright’s hopes cannot be too different from those of other
Natchez ministers. Separately, each is a spiritual force for his
or her flock. Together, imagine what they might accomplish.
Joan Gandy is special projects director of The Democrat. She
can be reached by calling (601) 445-3549 or by e-mail to joan.gandy@natchezdemocrat.com.