Alabama State comfortably ahead in women’s tourney

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 18, 2001

Tuesday, September 18, 2001

Defending champion Alabama State shot a team score of 366

to take a 34-shot lead over Alcorn State in the first round of

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the Alcorn State University Ladies Invitational Golf Championship

Tuesday at the Duncan Park Golf Course.

Texas Southern, which as late as Monday was scheduled to play

in this tournament, withdrew, lowering the number of teams to

five, and two of those – Mississippi Valley State (two players)

and Alabama A&M (three players) – didn’t have enough team

players to be eligible for the overall team title.

Annie Tu of Alabama A&M was the individual leader after

the first round with an 11-over-par 82. Jill Jackson of Arkansas-Pine

Bluff shot an 84, and Leslie Pryor of Alabama State had an 85.

Jamilah Anderson shot an 87, and Mali Perry and Misty Williams

each had a 97 to go with Pryor’s 85 for Alabama State’s team score.

Alabama State’s Camille Wallace said, &uot;Golf is a game

of discipline, and I have been disciplined today.&uot; Wallace

shot a 104 and was not included in the team score.

&uot;This is the first time they got a chance to see the course.

They didn’t get a chance to have a practice round yesterday (Monday),&uot;

said Alabama State assistant golf coach J.R. Norman.

Despite having the first-round lead, Norman said Wednesday’s

scores will be lower, and the team could have played &uot;a whole

lot better.&uot;

Precious Thompson shot a 90 to lead Alcorn State, followed

by Lynn Johnson with a 98, Michelle Williams with a 100 and Chanette

Zenon with a 112 for a team score of 400. Danielle Thomas’s score

of 113 was not included in Alcorn’s team score.

Jocelyn Lewis, playing as an independent player for Alcorn

State, had a 102.

&uot;I think we played alright, but we all could’ve played

better today,&uot; Johnson said. &uot;We’ve had better days.

Tomorrow, we will all play better.&uot;

Arkansas-Pine Bluff had an team score of 429. Jackson’s 84

was followed by Martinique Brown with a 100, Rosanna Rickett with

a 122 and Johnelle Peer with a 123. Kasey Porchia’s 124 was not

included in the team’s score.

Joi Johnson shot a 105 and Tiffany Pittman fired a 122 for

Mississippi Valley State.

In addition to Tu’s 82, Brandy Grey shot an 87 and Jamila Jackson

had a 120 for Alabama A&M.

Today’s final round will have a shotgun start at 8 a.m.