O’Brien: ‘Everybody needs a fire truck’

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 8, 2001

Monday, October 08, 2001

The Natchez Democrat

NATCHEZ – For Frank O’Brien of Morgantown buying a fully functional,

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used Natchez fire truck at an auction made sense.

&uot;People ask me why I bought it,&uot; O’Brien said. &uot;I

tell ’em, to put out fires.&uot;

O’Brien bought the 1989 Mack truck in 1997 at an auction sponsored

by Adams County and the City of Natchez. At the time his two children,

Ashley and Aaron O’Brien, were 14 and 15, respectively.

&uot;I thought it was really neat, and my kids would love

it,&uot; O’Brien said.

O’Brien’s wife, Jeanie O’Brien, said she knows well her husband’s

spontaneity, but she was still somewhat hesitant to welcome her

husband’s acquisition when he drove it home and told the family

to come for a ride.

But Ashley and Aaron decided the matter for her.

&uot;When he got it, I just kinda looked at him,&uot; Jeanie

said. &uot;But when all the kids jumped on, I went and jumped

on, too.&uot;

&uot;Jeanie was hanging off the back ringing the bell,&uot;

Frank laughed.

The truck was, and still is, a hit with others as well. Frank

said he would drive around his neighborhood, taking &uot;kids

for a ride or anybody that wanted to jump on.&uot;

He said that anyone who wants to ride still can, if an adult

is willing to ride in the back with the children.

Frank admits that he got carried away at the auction. &uot;Every

time I go (to auctions), I come back dragging something I don’t

need,&uot; he said.

But he still recommends a fire truck as the auction purchase

of choice. &uot;Everybody needs a fire truck,&uot; he said.

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