Kick start the new week on a good news note
Published 12:00 am Monday, December 10, 2001
Good morning and good Monday. With only 15 days left before Christmas arrives, the holiday season is in full force around the Miss-Lou. We pause this morning to reflect on some of the good news from our community last week.
The bands boomed and the crowds cheered on Sunday as the annual Natchez Christmas parade rolled through downtown. The parade seems to get bigger and better each year. Our thanks for the sponsors and organizers of the parade. Without them the parade would not be possible.
The City of Natchez and Adams County heard some good news in the form of a $400,000 grant from the Mississippi Department of Archives and History. The grant money will help pay for a portion of the site preparation and refurbishment of the old Memorial Hall for use as a new federal courthouse in Natchez.
An archeologist found only a small portion – 7.3 acres – of the land needed for the St. Catherine Creek Recreational Complex contained historically significant material. The report virtually clears the rest of the land for development. Since a sizable portion of the land remains available, planners should have no problem fitting the complex into the land that remains.
The Friends of Armstrong Library’s Annual Christmas Tour of homes raised more than $2,000 for Natchez’s library. The fund-raising work of the Friends is a significant help to the library.
We hope your week is filled with good news for you and your family.