Salvation Army cadet bids sad farewell to Miss-Lou

Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 23, 2001

For six weeks, Amber Webb has lived as a Natchezian. It has not been easy to say farewell. She does so today.

A cadet at The Salvation Army seminary in Atlanta, where she will complete her training and be ordained in early June, Webb came to her native Mississippi to find out about Army work during one of the agency’s busiest seasons. She leaves with a healthy appreciation for work that goes on in small towns such as Natchez.

Webb, a native of Moss Point, is no stranger to Salvation Army work. &uot;The Salvation Army church has been my church since I was 5 years old,&uot; she said. &uot;The Army has been a huge part of my life.&uot;

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As she grew up on the Gulf Coast, Webb took part in all the youth activities provided by The Army. She credits those activities and the lessons she learned at church with keeping her on track.

&uot;The programs gave me a good spiritual background and taught me about the Bible,&uot; she said. &uot;As I got older, I always had that to refer to as I had questions about what decisions to make.&uot;

Now 21, Webb credits her mother with the introduction to Army activities. &uot;She was a case worker for the Salvation Army.&uot; As a cadet at the training college, she has matured in her faith and learned about self-discipline, she said. The time spent at the college prepared her for an internship such as the recent one in Natchez.

&uot;Being here in Natchez at Christmas has been very important for me,&uot; Webb said. &uot;It was a learning experience — learning about the kettle work, how to work with employees. I’ve learned from Captain (Geraldine) Martin about the business side and also about how to be a pastor.&uot;

Natchez has been both a surprise and a delight, she said. Even though a native of Mississippi, she had never before visited the city. &uot;I had thought it would be much bigger, but it is a wonderful size. And it’s very friendly. I have loved the people and I love the historic parts of the town.&uot;

Most impressive about Natchez has been the spirit in which everyone cooperates and shares, she said. &uot;I hope that where I go, there will be the same kinds of people,&uot; she said. &uot;Their commitment to the Lord has been amazing, especially the kids at the church.&uot;

Webb will be ordained on June 9 and will get married on June 15. Her fianc\u00E9 is at work in a small office in North Carolina. &uot;We will be together wherever we go, but we may have different assignments,&uot; she said. &uot;And I can’t make any predictions about where we might go.&uot;

Asked what her farewell message to Natchez might be, she said, &uot;I would say to keep up the good work. There is such a good spirit here, people working together to see the community grow and prosper. That’s an amazing thing.&uot;