Wise use of resources benefits parish citizens

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Talk about the proverbial &uot;win-win&uot; situation. Concordia Parish (La.) residents will soon reap the benefits of some smart thinking and careful use of resources.

But first, imagine this scenario. You are a sheriff in a predominantly rural central Louisiana parish. You and your staff is responsible for keeping the peace across 696 square miles of flat, expansive territory.

The job itself is a daunting enough task without having to worry about where to perform firearms training.

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But the need is for an adequate, safe place at which to train is real. Unfortunately few funds are available for such endeavors.

That’s the situation Concordia Parish Sheriff Randy Maxwell found himself in a few weeks ago. But later this week, with the help of 20 National Guardsmen, Maxwell’s need to have a firing range should be more than filled.

After starting with modest plans, Maxwell’s plan has blossomed into a range that will make other communities green with envy.

And what’s best is, the whole venture is costing Concordia taxpayers almost nothing.

By utilizing National Guard workers, Maxwell and his deputies will soon have a new facility to use for only the cost of a few meals and some fuel &045;&045; an excellent bargain by most people’s standards.

Inmate laborers will complete the remaining work.

In explaining how the facility’s plan grew, Maxwell said, &uot;We’re trying to make hay while the sun shines.&uot;

While many people in leadership positions often sit around and bemoan the clouds overhead and focus on what cannot be done, some folks, such as Maxwell, just make things happen &045;&045; regardless of whether the sun is shining or not.