No arrests made in murder of Vidalia boy

Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 5, 2002

VIDALIA, La. &045; Almost one month after 5-year-old Eric Hudson was murdered, investigators have yet to make an arrest.

The Concordia Parish Sheriff’s Office won’t release any details on the case, but spokeswoman Kathy Stevens said Wednesday that the investigative team, which is made up of officers from the sheriff’s office and the State Police, is still &uot;working morning, noon and night&uot; to find Hudson’s murderer.

&uot;They haven’t let up, and they won’t let up,&uot; Stevens said.

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Hudson was found dead Nov. 10 in a pond near his Rountree Road home.

Sheriff Randy Maxwell initially said the death was a case of drowning, but autopsy results later revealed that Hudson was probably strangled to death before his body was dumped in the pond.

Since then, Maxwell has said investigators believe the murderer was someone who knew Hudson.