Few people vote in Ferriday tax election
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 21, 2003
Next time Ferriday residents pay their taxes, they need not complain about the cost. That’s because just about 9 percent of them actually voted last Saturday in a referendum
For the record, we supported the taxes, one of which was simply a renewal. We’re glad that both tax millages were approved by voters &045; most immediately because it means garbage service, one of the services paid for with the taxes, will continue. In addition to that 1-cent renewal sales tax, voters renewed a property tax millage for street repair and voted in favor of a 10-mill increase to fund better salaries and equipment for police.
But we are extremely disappointed in the poor turnout for the vote.
It’s a sad day when only a few hundred people make such major decisions for an entire town made up of 5,000 residents.
Clerk of Courts Clyde Ray Webber said it was the worst turnout he had seen in more than 30 years.
We’re sure voters have plenty of excuses &045; other things to do on a Saturday, little interest in the referendum, no other contests on the ballot.
But when you consider how important the very act of voting is &045; and the number of people who have sacrificed to preserve that right &045; no excuse is good enough.
Perhaps residents simply approved of the taxes and didn’t bother to vote. Either way, we expect to hear few complaints coming from Ferriday in the next few months.