Sorority hosts AIDS awareness rally in Vidalia
Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 8, 2003
VIDALIA, La. &045; Use your mind; protect your body.
That was the theme of an HIV/AIDS rally Delta Sigma Theta Sorority hosted a HIV/AIDS rally Saturday at the old parish courthouse grounds.
Lisa Johnson, vice president of the sorority, said Saturday was designated as the International Day of Awareness of HIV and AIDS.
Delta Sigma Theta chapters throughout the world held their own Day of Awareness events.
Adults and children turned out the the rally in great numbers to not only listen to music provided by radio station K104 and play games, but to learn HIV and AIDS prevention.
Margie Harris, 12, a resident of Ferriday, said she learned to &uot;never have unprotected sex.&uot;
The day began at Young’s Chapel Baptist Church in Vidalia for a &uot;Mind, Body and Soul&uot; program.
Shawnniqua Jolla, 12, of Ferriday, attended the program and the rally.
Jolla said at the program she learned &uot;that your mind is to think and your body is to protect.&uot;
At the rally, a table was set up with brochures, informational CD-ROMs and posters to teach the public about HIV and AIDS.
Sorority President Helen Wyatt said rally proceeds and additional donations from the sorority and the community at large, will go to the Centers for Disease Control.