Families make most of fishing trip with friendly fry

Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 13, 2003

VIDALIA, La. &045; In Louisiana, an outdoor fish fry is more than just a tasty way to feed the family. It’s a time to relax, tell fishing stories and wind down from the stress of the workplace.

And that’s just what Denis and Kim Mulvihill were doing Sunday evening along with friends Neil and Margaret Mohon on Virginia Avenue in Vidalia.

&uot;I caught these bass in bar pits over by Jonesville, and that’s about all I can tell you, because it’s a secret little place,&uot; Denis said, grinning as he spooned thick filets and hush puppies from a black iron skillet.

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Denis fishes on most of his days off from his job at Concordia Correctional Center.

&uot;I’ve got about five gallons of bass filets in the freezer,&uot; he said.

Denis and Kim have two teenage sons &045; Joshua and Brandon &045; and a 6-year-old daughter, Denise, who has grown fond of fishing with her father.

&uot;She hooked about a five-pounder on her little ‘tweety-bird’ toy rod and reel the other day. He was only on her line a few seconds and then he spit the bait out,&uot; Denis said. &uot;It scared her just a little, but she’s ready to try again.&uot;

Denise agreed with a giggle of excitement.

&uot;I want to go back and catch the same fish again,&uot; she said.

When they aren’t fishing, the Mulvihills and Mohons enjoy four-wheeling.

Both couples rode Saturday and Sunday in the M&D 500 &045; a four-wheeler competition sponsored each year at Frogmore by the Concordia Parish Sheriff’s Office.

&uot;The event is just getting bigger and bigger each year. We had about 25 people from El Paso, Texas there this year. Most of them were border patrol agents,&uot; said Neil. &uot;It’s a great way to get away from the stress at work at have a good time.&uot;

Neil and Margaret, who also work at Concordia Correctional Center, said the mud riding is a blast.

&uot;I bought an entire camouflaged outfit just to wear in the M&D.; We were covered in mud from head to toe, but we had a real good time,&uot; Margaret said.

The group had just finished cleaning their four wheelers before they started their fish fry.

And with summer just ahead, there will be many more weekends like this one.