Barbour makes campaign stop in Centreville

Published 12:00 am Monday, June 30, 2003

CENTREVILLE &045; During a stop in Monday in Centreville, Republican gubernatorial candidate Haley Barbour pressed the need for more tort reform measures.

Barbour lunched with administrators from Wilkinson County Nursing Center and Field Memorial Community Hospital before visiting both facilities.

WCNC Administrator Bubbe Day said Barbour toured the nursing center for about 30 minutes, talking with staff and residents.

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&uot;We talked about tort reform. We did get some relief during the special session, but not nearly enough. That’s one thing that Mr. Barbour plans on doing if he gets elected,&uot; Day said.

WCNC came under new ownership in May 2002, but the facility is still burdened by litigation filed previously, Day said.

&uot;We have four lawsuits leftover that we still have to help with,&uot; Day said. &uot;We have to make our staff available for depositions, which creates scheduling problems for us.&uot;

Barbour favors using a screening committee to review and eliminate frivolous lawsuits before they are allowed to proceed.

The candidate also favors making the losing party in a lawsuit responsible for all attorney fees, Day said.

In addition to the Monday visit, Day heard Barbour speak at the Mississippi Health Care Convention, which was held May 27 in Biloxi.

Day said Barbour seemed to also make a good impression with residents at the nursing center, many of whom are still active voters.

&uot;He walked right in and hit it off with them. They liked him,&uot; Day said.