Board to take more steps to notify public of boil water alerts

Published 12:00 am Monday, May 17, 2004

WOODVILLE &045;&045; Following complaints a recent boil water alert was not sufficiently publicized, Woodville aldermen agreed Tuesday to take additional steps to ensure residents are notified of future alerts.

Town officials followed state guidelines when they issued a boil water notice following a water tank inspection on April 23, according to Woodville Mayor Gary D’Aquila. &uot;That’s standard procedure anytime service is interrupted,&uot; he said.

The boil water alert was lifted April 30, D’Aquila said.

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D’Aquila said in addition to posting placards in public buildings, the town also notified the county health department and area water associations. Health department officials in turn notified media outlets in Natchez and Jackson, D’Aquila said.

But Woodville resident John Clark said many water customers, including some dialysis and emphysema patients, were not aware of the alert.

&uot;This is an important issue that affects everybody &045;&045; not just a few,&uot; Clark said.

Aldermen agreed to ask health department officials to include Baton Rouge, La. media outlets, as well as additional area radio stations during future alerts.

The board also assured Clark that town officials would keep a list of dialysis and emphysema patients for direct notification during future alerts. D’Aquila said those residents should contact the Town Clerk’s office to be added to the list.

The board also agreed to notify the Wilkinson County Civil Defense Coordinator of future boil water alerts.

In other business, the board:

4Consulted with Wes Gore of the Natchez-based accounting firm of Silas M. Simmons, LLC on financial plans for a new multi-purpose building. The board also decided to seek quotes not to exceed $3,000 for an environmental assessment and survey of the project site.

4Agreed to study a bill from Woodville resident Curtiss Vidrine for $2,900 in sewer system replacement costs.

Voted 3-0 with Alderman Earl Dean Anthony absent to name the Woodville/Wilkinson County Main Street Association as the town’s official tourist organization.