Relay for Life fund-raising shows Miss-Lou generosity

Published 12:00 am Monday, May 31, 2004

From fund-raising letters to sponsorships of luminaries, people across the Miss-Lou used a number of ways to help raise money for the American Cancer Society.

And by the time all of the money was totaled Friday night during Relay for Life, they had raised $122,000.

Their hard work &045;&045; and the response they received &045;&045; shows just how much the Miss-Lou cares about such causes.

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And the dedication of team members &045;&045; who spent all night at the relay to show their support for cancer research and awareness &045;&045; is equally inspiring.

From the survivors’ lap, which puts the spotlight on the brave men and women who have survived cancer to the caregivers’ lap to the quitters’ lap &045;&045; which applauds the people who have quit cancer-causing habits, the relay gives participants a chance to celebrate life.

We’re especially pleased that even in a time of economic hardship for Natchez, Relay for Life teams can continue to raise such large amounts of money.

The funds will be used to help the American Cancer Society with its research into treatment for the disease &045;&045; and, perhaps someday, a cure &045;&045; as well as the support it gives to cancer victims and their families.

Thanks to all who helped raise money, who gave money and who came out Friday night and Saturday morning to support the event.