Natchez police apply for traffic safety grants

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 30, 2004

NATCHEZ &045;&045; Traffic safety grant money may help make Natchez’s streets a better place to drive.

Adams County ranks fifth in the state in per capita deaths on its roads. From 2000-2003 there were 2,541 traffic crashes in the county.

Police Chief Mike Mullins has applied for two grants with the Office of Highway Safety that would fund officer salaries to do more traffic work.

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The alcohol countermeasures grant is for $5,000 and would fund overtime hours for officers during the months of June through September. The city would not have to offer a match on this grant.

Officers would use the overtime hours to enforce traffic laws at intersections and stop speeders with an emphasis in reducing DUIs, Mullins said.

The second traffic safety grant, also through the Office of Highway Safety, would use federal money with an aim reducing crashes and crash injuries.

The grant, a total of $84,500 with a $21,000 match, would pay the salary of one and a half officers and fund some equipment and supplies. &uot;This would allow two officers to work specifically on traffic enforcement,&uot; Mullins said. The officers would work to increase speed enforcement, the seatbelt law and DUIs.

Mullins received approval from the Board of Alderman at the last meeting to apply for the grants. He said he hopes to hear something from the Office of Highway Safety within the next few weeks. If NPD receives the grants they would go into effect immediately.

Mullins said it was common to apply for traffic safety grants.