‘Inseparable’ sisters enjoy play day

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 17, 2004

VIDALIA, La. &045; With two days of school behind them Sunday is meant for play for two Clark Street sisters.

Karlie Schmolke, 8, and Patiensese Morris, 7, did a little of everything Sunday, bike riding, drawing, horseplay but mainly they just hung out in the yard.

&uot;They are inseparable,&uot; dad David Cassig said of the girls.

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Schmolke, two grades ahead of her sister in school, takes responsibility for her little sister too. When Morris doesn’t say yes ma’am or yes sir her big sister corrects her while dad stands in the background and smiles.

Both girls said they like summer, but were ready to start school again.

In first and second grade Schmolke made straight As in school, as the sign in the front yard boasts, third grade is still yet to be determined.

&uot;I might,&uot; she said about making straight As. &uot;It’s easy so far. We haven’t started work yet.

&uot;It wasn’t hard in the first grade, or the second grade.&uot;

Schmolke said her favorite subject was reading, especially &uot;The Foot Book&uot; by Dr. Seuss.

She said her teacher said they would start real work this week, but she said she’d be ready.

The rest of Sunday afternoon was reserved for a game of tag though.